Q: What do I need to look for when hiring a landscaper?
A: Unfortunately, all landscapers are not equal. Many landscaping companies specialize in a certain area of landscaping. When looking for a landscaper, always look for pictures of past projects that relate to your needs, and if they have their certifications. All North Carolina landscape contractors are on the NC landscape contractor website. This is a great place to start.
Q: What do drainage issues look like?
A: Drainage is sometimes a hard problem to spot if you are not familiar with the signs. By the time that signs appear, it may have already caused damages such as cracked foundations, moisture in the crawl space, dead or dying plants and grass, shifting or cracking concrete.
Q: What is the best type of grass for my area?
A: North Carolina has a diverse range of different assortments of sod that can do well in its climate. However, there are better options for certain areas depending on moisture, sun light, and shade.
Q: What kind of issues can water cause?
A: Water can seep underneath foundations and up concrete walls causing thousands of dollars in structural damages. Water can also kill grass and plants.
Q: How can I tell if I have a water issue?
A: Water issues can be deceptive or obvious, often not appearing until it has already damaged structures. The best way to tell is to call a specialist.
Q: What is the best type of retaining wall?
A: Different contractors use different kinds of block. Most block has been tested tremendously and all have their purposes. However, we have found that the hollow-core retaining wall blocks are the more affordable option, but you are sacrificing due to the block being hollow and needing to be filled allowing water to run through the middle. Retaining wall blocks often weigh between 75lbs-100lbs each.
Q: Where can homeowners buy sod, block, and pavers?
A: Landscape suppliers will sell a homeowner anything they may request. However, this is not a good idea if they plan on hiring someone to do the work. Often the suppliers charge homeowners more for the same products because homeowners are not contractors.
Q: What causes water/drainage problems?
A: Water/drainage problems are often caused by neglect, negative or improper grade, down spouts, and or a high water table.
Q: How do you fix water problems?
A: Because of the diversity of the source of the problem, there are many different solutions, some being: diverting down spouts, French drains, swells, berms, grading, and catch basins.
Q: Which is better: concrete patio or paver patio?
A: People often think concrete patios are structurally better; however, this is often not the case. Paver patios are often a harder concrete than your average concrete patio. Paver patios allow you to replace a single paver that may have been broke, unlike concrete patios where you have to replace the entire patio if cracked or broken. Concrete is normally poured at 3,000 PSI. The average paver is often 5,000 PSI.
Q: Can any company fix my drainage?
A: Unfortunately, not all companies are equal and do not specialize in drainage. It is often a great practice to get many different opinions on your problem, as there are many different solutions to drainage / water problems. Some can be a better fix at a better price.
Q: How much does it cost to fix a drainage issue?
A: Because of the complex issues of drainage, the cost can be moderate, compared to the repairing cost of a structure that was damaged because of the issue.
Have we helped you? If so or if not, feel free to contact us! Hit the button below to ask us any questions!
Q: What do I need to look for when hiring a landscaper?
A: Unfortunately, all landscapers are not equal. Many landscaping companies specialize in a certain area of landscaping. When looking for a landscaper, always look for pictures of past projects that relate to your needs, and if they have their certifications. All North Carolina landscape contractors are on the NC landscape contractor website. This is a great place to start.
Q: What do drainage issues look like?
A: Drainage is sometimes a hard problem to spot if you are not familiar with the signs. By the time that signs appear, it may have already caused damages such as cracked foundations, moisture in the crawl space, dead or dying plants and grass, shifting or cracking concrete.
Q: What is the best type of grass for my area?
A: North Carolina has a diverse range of different assortments of sod that can do well in its climate. However, there are better options for certain areas depending on moisture, sun light, and shade.
Q: What kind of issues can water cause?
A: Water can seep underneath foundations and up concrete walls causing thousands of dollars in structural damages. Water can also kill grass and plants.
Q: How can I tell if I have a water issue?
A: Water issues can be deceptive or obvious, often not appearing until it has already damaged structures. The best way to tell is to call a specialist.
Q: What is the best type of retaining wall?
A: Different contractors use different kinds of block. Most block has been tested tremendously and all have their purposes. However, we have found that the hollow-core retaining wall blocks are the more affordable option, but you are sacrificing due to the block being hollow and needing to be filled allowing water to run through the middle. Retaining wall blocks often weigh between 75lbs-100lbs each.
Q: Where can homeowners buy sod, block, and pavers?
A: Landscape suppliers will sell a homeowner anything they may request. However, this is not a good idea if they plan on hiring someone to do the work. Often the suppliers charge homeowners more for the same products because homeowners are not contractors.
Q: What causes water/drainage problems?
A: Water/drainage problems are often caused by neglect, negative or improper grade, down spouts, and or a high water table.
Q: How do you fix water problems?
A: Because of the diversity of the source of the problem, there are many different solutions, some being: diverting down spouts, French drains, swells, berms, grading, and catch basins.
Q: Which is better: concrete patio or paver patio?
A: People often think concrete patios are structurally better; however, this is often not the case. Paver patios are often a harder concrete than your average concrete patio. Paver patios allow you to replace a single paver that may have been broke, unlike concrete patios where you have to replace the entire patio if cracked or broken. Concrete is normally poured at 3,000 PSI. The average paver is often 5,000 PSI.
Q: Can any company fix my drainage?
A: Unfortunately, not all companies are equal and do not specialize in drainage. It is often a great practice to get many different opinions on your problem, as there are many different solutions to drainage / water problems. Some can be a better fix at a better price.
Q: How much does it cost to fix a drainage issue?
A: Because of the complex issues of drainage, the cost can be moderate, compared to the repairing cost of a structure that was damaged because of the issue.
Have we helped you? If so or if not, feel free to contact us! Hit the button below to ask us any questions!